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Writer's pictureHannah Telluselle

Copyright for Copywriters

Updated: Dec 25, 2022

What can we protect and guard as our own of the things we have drawn, written, photographed, painted, sawn, sculptured, played or even danced?

In the jungle of laws, one of the strictest one both for online marketing and product information in person, is the one of truthful labeling without over-promising the benefits of the content. This was important to learn and practice during my work as a professional copywriter and part of our education. It is also why it is easy for me to detect whenever someone is using a script to sell me something.

For those of you who might not know what a copywriter does, he or she, is responsible for making the written content in any campaign material or company presentation for his or her client, based on the concept, idea, design and communication strategy made together with the Art Director, Project Manager and any other necessary team members (production designer, photographer, stylists etc). It is then the company who sells the product that is visible as "the sender" with selling information they have paid their advertising firm for writing. In these cases, it is the company who owns the copyright to their slogans and content, but with the add of the idea coming from the advertising firm who retains the right of creativity.

Regularly, all things that we write, with any personalized touch and creative height aiming to be unique, is always protected by copyright, for only ourselves to use and make money of.

Would you like to have your own unique concept and communication? Contact me for a meeting about what you would like to get help to sell or to become coached towards expressing your own authentic uniqueness.

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