Wow! I haven't practiced in front of mirrors in a studio for three years! First it was because of my travels, and then because of Covid-19 restrictions, so now it was time! In Stockholm, one can rent space by the city where the school children normally have their gym and plays sports, so that is what I do, now and then.
We start with warm-up and then go through the choreography (the motions and which order they go timed to the music). Then we do it ourselves without watching our teacher, and then add feeling and accentuation.
Yesterday, I practiced to "Grandmother Oak" that I shared about here. It's a song and dance I learned dancing Hula to, in Honolulu, HI in 2010, when I took classes for Kumu Marian Ka'ipo Park at Halau Healing Hula. Luckily, a German woman had taped herself showing it, so I had something to rehearse with. Watch more here.
Practice makes perfect! Eventually...